Today I am excited to share some beautiful photographs of Heather and Ryan’s Rockwood Conservation Area engagement session.

Their story:

Tell me about your first date?

Heather says, “Our first date we went to the Bauer Kitchen for drinks, and things went so well we ended up closing down the Heuther Hotel where we went to play pool (there were no tables open for us to play at but we didn’t even notice)”

How did you know your fiance was the one?

Ryan says, “I always thought Heather was the one, but we did break up for a while. Once we had seen the positive changes we had each made to ourselves while we were apart, we finally had an emotional conversation about getting back together and decided to give it another shot. A few months after that, we both saw that the positive changes in our relationship were here to stay, and that solidified the thought I always had; Heather is the one.”

What are you most excited about on the wedding day?

Heather says, “seeing Ryan standing at the alter (and hopefully not starting to bawl uncontrollably!)”

Ryan says, “Heather becoming my wife!”


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